The State of Qatar contributes to the demographic change in the Syrian Kurdish city of Afrin

آدمن الموقع
The village of "Saria" - demographic change, the distressed Jenders, the cessation of rubble removal, chaos and theft of aid, settlement projects

= settlement project:

In order to deepen and consolidate the demographic change, the occupation authorities deliberately push the original inhabitants of Jenderes towards displacement and reside in collective camps, as they stipulate that if they demand access to tents and aid, they leave their real estate and property to the militias that do not miss an opportunity to steal the contents of their homes and shops in any absence from them, And also in order to empty the city of its original inhabitants and pave the way for building a new settlement city for the recruits instead.
The village of "Saria" - demographic change, the distressed Jenders, the cessation of rubble removal, chaos and theft of aid, settlement projects

On the other hand, the Qatari village (2), the model settlement, was inaugurated on 2/12/2023 AD, in the presence of "Colonel Mubarak Sherida Al-Kaabi, Commander of the International Qatari Group of the Search and Rescue Group of the Internal Security Forces" - who also visited Jendires - and "Muhammad Al-Jassim", the leader of the "Brigade" militia. Sultan Suleiman Shah, which was built by the “Sham Al-Khair Humanitarian Association” and with the funds of the Government of Qatar, in the “Lijeh” site near the village of “Jaqala Tahtani” - Sheikh Al-Hadid district, by housing / 200 / families of those recruited in it, as part of a plan drawn up between my government Turkey and Qatar.

For his part, the CEO of "Qatar Charity" Youssef bin Ahmed Al-Kuwari announced, through a video clip published on 12/2/2023 on the Foundation's page on Twitter, the launch of the first phase of a project called "City of Dignity" - under the pretext of reconstruction - as a new settlement city housing / 600/ families of those brought to Afrin.

At the height of the major human seismic catastrophe that befell our two countries, the Turkish occupation authorities do not forget their abhorrent hostile policies against the Kurds in Syria, as they prevented the entry of aid sent from the Autonomous Administration in northern and eastern Syria, which remained suspended for nine days at the "Umm Jalud"-Manbij crossing since Wednesday February 8, in an attempt to deepen the rift between the Kurds and their loyalists, in addition to its reluctance to carry out any duty towards the areas it controls in this ordeal, and even to keep Afrin besieged; It is also trying to displace the remainder of the original inhabitants of Jendires towards distant collective camps, and it is pushing its mercenary militias to oppress the Kurds in all forms, to deal with them with racism, and to deprive them of the necessities of life.

= Sariya village:

It belongs to the district of Mabta / Maabatli, and is 12 km away from its center. It consists of about 80 houses, and there were about 500 people who were indigenous Kurds, all of whom were displaced during the aggression against the region, and about 23 families = 75 people returned. The rest were forcibly displaced, and about /30 families = 180 people/ of the recruits were settled there.
Due to the bombing of the village by the Turkish army and its militias during the aggression, the house of the citizen "Adnan Khalil Mustafa" was completely destroyed, and 12 houses were partially damaged.
The village is controlled by the "Liwaa al-Muntasir Billah" militia, which stole supplies, copper utensils, gas cylinders, appliances, electrical tools, etc. from the houses, the entire contents of the seized houses, the contents of the "Bashir" fattening shop, an agricultural tractor for "Idris Ali Haji Hassan" and an electric generating set for Hassan Jaafar Sido, and the transformer and cables of the public electricity network and the cables of the main line leading to the village.
The militias also seized about 3,500 olive trees belonging to the people of the village, and imposed a 40% royalty on the production of seasons of absentee property and 10% on the production of the property of those present.
About a thousand olive trees were cut down unjustly for the purpose of logging and trade. And it excavated a site east of the village and the nearby "Khaziana" hill, under the supervision of Turkish intelligence, in search of antiquities and buried treasures and stole them.
Moreover, the remaining residents were subjected to various types of violations, including kidnapping, arbitrary arrest, torture, financial extortion, and others.

= the afflicted city of "Jenderes - Cindêrêsê":

It is located 20 km southwest of the city of Afrin on a flat geographical area, the number of residents residing in it was about 35 thousand people before it was occupied by Turkey and its mercenaries in early 2018, all of them were displaced from it as a result of the heavy shelling on it and many houses were damaged, and he did not return Of them, except for about 15/ thousand people, and the rest were forcibly displaced, and about 45/ thousand people from the families of the recruits were settled in the seized homes, so that the percentage of the Kurds decreased from about 90% to less than 25%, according to a systematic demographic change, as the militias seized "Ahrar al-Sharqiya, Jaish al-Sharqiya, Faylaq al-Sham, Ahrar al-Sham, Nour al-Din al-Zenki" control the property of the absentees and impose royalties on the production of their agricultural seasons.
It was subjected to complete destruction in the aftermath of the February 6 earthquake, 70% of its buildings became uninhabitable, especially part of it that had been dislocated and weakened as a result of the bombing, as the death toll rose to 1,100 people, according to the statistics of the "Jenderes Local Council - 2/17/2023". Of them, about /260/ are the original residents of Jenderes, according to special statistics.

= rubble and wounded:

The buildings that are about to fall are in need of urgent demolition with the removal of the rubble and rubble accumulated in the city of Afrin and dozens of villages and towns, especially in the city of Jenderes, and then rebuilding at a later time, but all the mechanisms stopped working; In addition, the wounded and injured need to continue treatment, perform surgeries, provide medicines and necessary supplies, especially for the handicapped, in addition to caring for orphaned and homeless children.

= Relief and Humanitarian Aid:

All those affected by the earthquake and the afflicted are in constant need of relief and humanitarian assistance, and thousands of them are still homeless; According to a statement by the "Ministry of Finance and Economy - the Syrian Interim Government" on 2/16/2023, 313 trucks of humanitarian aid entered northwestern Syria (Al-Hamam, Bab al-Salamah and Tal Abyad crossings), but dozens of reports and field testimonies through various media and news outlets What we received in particular confirms that most of the earthquake-affected people - the indigenous population - were deprived of it, except for the few that reached them through special channels, as crowds of applicants who were not affected by the earthquake in Afrin and from the Idlib camps flocked to the vicinity of Jenderes and the center of Afrin city to reside in artificial camps - a lot Some of their families live in more than one tent - in order to obtain the largest amount of aid and sometimes steal it from trucks and strike distributors, especially since the local councils and donors are powerless and unable to distribute equitably, in light of the administrative chaos and the armed control of various militias that directly contribute to the chaos and seize It obtains a large part of the aid, steals part of it, and distributes the rest to those affiliated with it. While the Kurds influence and do not participate in the chaos and stampede, and some of them are forced to buy tents and their needs with their money.

Other violations:

- Eyewitnesses in the town of "Kfar Safra"-Jenderes talked about how the aid was stolen by the militias of the "Samarkand Brigade", where when the trucks arrived at its entrance, recruiters gathered around them and got the aid, and a team photographed them as being from the town's residents, and the rest was deposited in a warehouse for " Samarkand", without giving the original inhabitants of the Kurds.

- During the first week after the earthquake occurred, the militias confiscated a large part of the subsidies sent by the people of Afrin to provide relief to the victims of Jenderes, where the armed checkpoint of the "Sham Corps" militia in the village of "Tal Salur" - south of Jenderes, on the third day of the earthquake, stole most of the loads of about 30 A pick-up car sent from the people of the villages of "Burj Abd Alo, Ghazzawiya, Basouta, and Kimar".

Militants and recruiters who seized the homes of Afrin citizens refrain from evacuating any house whose owner is forced to claim it after his home was demolished or became uninhabitable due to the earthquake.

- On February 11, 2023, the occupation authorities arbitrarily arrested the agricultural engineer, Azad Bilal, 55, and the citizen, Sheyar Kamal Abdi, and released them the next day.

- On 2/14/2023 AD, upon the arrival of trucks to Jenderes carrying aid sent by the "Barzani Charitable Foundation", crowds of recruiters attacked them in an attempt to steal the aid, so the "Military Police in Jenderes" militias fired live bullets into the air in order to disperse them, and the recruits were unable to The Foundation’s team was able to distribute aid to the real affected people despite resorting to the local council.

- On 2/14/2023 AD, two gunmen from the "Jaysh al-Islam" militia severely beat the citizen "Imad al-Din Zainal," the mukhtar of the village of "Talaf" - Afrin, because he stood by one of the citizens of his village in his demand to vacate his seized house, after he was forced to To leave the city of Afrin because of the earthquake.

The occupied Afrin region is still besieged, and its crossings with the areas of the Autonomous Administration - east of the Euphrates and the areas controlled by the Syrian army were not opened, and the occupation authorities did not allow the entry of aid sent by the Autonomous Administration, in gross violation of customary international humanitarian law and various international covenants related to disaster situations and human rights in general.
- Information: The Kurdish Democratic Unity Party in Syria (Yekiti)

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