Turkey's return to provoke Greece

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The archive picture shows migrants on a boat in the Aegean Sea. (dpa-bildfunk / AP / Michael Varaklas)

Special / Geostrategic Network for Studies

In a statement to the Greek authorities, the Turkish state continues to maintain daily provocations against Greece, particularly by the Turkish coast guard in the eastern Aegean. Despite the Turkish retreat from the threatening language during the past weeks as part of the policy of returning to the dialogue table with the European Union, after these practices exacerbated relations and activated problems with the European Union in the oil exploration file - the eastern Mediterranean, as well as a number of hot files related to European security. And the threats it poses to Cyprus, Greece and European maritime security.

According to an official statement by the Greek Coast Guard, Turkish patrol boats literally escorted several inflatable boats for migrants to the Greek maritime border near the island of Lesbos. However, the boats were prevented from entering Greek waters, at which point the Turkish coast guard finally picked up the migrants and brought them back to the Turkish coast.
This shows a continuation of the Turkish hostile moves towards the European Union in exploiting the file of migrants and directing them again to Greece and European countries, in order to drown them with immigrants, thus exerting more pressure on European countries. It is a policy followed by the Turkish regime in threatening Europe’s security in the first place.

The Turkish threats to the European Union countries have pushed the level of its severe rhetoric to confront Turkish policies, and Germany has caught up with the French position on many issues related to Turkish behavior, and the Union almost signed comprehensive sanctions after it enacted some reduced sanctions as a precaution to push the Turkish regime to stop Hostile policies, which pushed the Turkish regime to a major retreat, and an attempt to open dialogue channels and restore relations with the countries of the Union, as Turkey stopped its provocative behavior by stopping oil exploration in the Middle East, and committed itself to the European Union about refugees. However, the internal Turkish regime's tendency to undermine the political activity of the opposition parties, including the attempt to ban the Kurdish Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP), as well as exerting pressure on the CHP, carrying out political arrests against political human rights activists and media professionals, and retaliating against opponents, "the opposition - the People's Party and the Republican People" in ways And sham accusations, which aroused the anger of the European Union again and pushed Western countries again to direct pressure on the Turkish regime and to exert threats of sanctions, especially after the Turkish regime withdrew from the Treaty on the Protection of Women against Violence, which constituted the recent Turkish moves to direct the understandings towards new contradictions.

Over the past seven years, the Turkish regime has exploited the Syrian refugee file as a mechanism to exert pressure on Western countries, obtain financial grants that the Turkish regime will spend for its war projects in northern Syria, fight the Kurds, support extremists “ISIS, Al Qaeda organization and the extremist Muslim Brotherhood network” and implement demographic change processes in Northern Syria after transforming areas of it into centers for training and arming extremists / annexing part of Syria to Turkish countries, interfering in Libyan affairs and supporting extremists there, as well as sending Syrian militants to Azerbaijan and plunging them into the Armenian Azerbaijani crisis, after using the Syrian militants in Libya.

In the refugee agreement with the European Union, Ankara has committed itself, among other things, to taking measures against illegal immigration from Turkey to the European Union. According to the United Nations Refugee Agency, more than 750 migrants crossed from Turkey by sea from the beginning of the year until the end of March; The same number came by road from Turkey to northern Greece.

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