In the footsteps of a systematic policy of looting the wealth of Afrin and depriving its people of their livelihood, where its main source is olive oil, the Turkish commercial intelligence team continues to limit its purchase to it at a low price (US$37 and less per plate /16/kg net, less than the prevailing price in the Syrian market). At about $20), at a time when the occupation authorities are separating the region from the Syrian interior, besieging it and imposing its currency for daily and commercial circulation.
Despite all the crimes committed in the Afrin region and still, the chaos and crises experienced by the areas of influence and the Turkish occupation in northern Syria and the spread of terrorists in it and the transformation of tens of thousands of militants (the claimant of the revolution) into mercenaries on demand, in full view of the world... The Justice and Development Government and its President Erdogan continue to threaten By occupying other areas, ignoring the positions of the international community and the consequences of any new aggression in terms of additional tragedies and crises for the Syrian people.
The following are a number of violations and crimes:
= Me´imila village:
It belongs to Rajo district and is 17/km away from its center. It consisted of about 450 houses, and there were about two thousand indigenous Kurdish residents in it. All of them were displaced in the first days of the war on the area, and about 350 families = one thousand people returned from them, most of them of the elderly, and 20 families = 110 people/ of those recruited have been settled there.
The militia of the "Sultan Muhammad Al-Fateh Division" took control of the village and stole most of the contents of the houses, including supplies, copper utensils, electrical power tools and equipment, gas cylinders, television screens, etc., savings of olive oil, dozens of livestock, agricultural tractors, cars and motorcycles, including two cars for "Hussein Aluko, Muhammad Othman" Primo”, some of which were returned after paying royalties, as well as trans and cables from the public electricity network.
They deliberately burned the houses of "Ahmed Sabry Shawqi, Muhammad Faris Fares", including them, and took the municipality building and the house of "Muhammad Maho Hanan" as military headquarters.
It seized about 1,500 olive trees from the properties of the forcibly displaced, including 300 trees for “Bakr Aluko”, and imposed a rate of 3-5 percent on the production of olive seasons and 50 percent on those belonging to the absentees, and limited the sale of oil tanks Empty olives with its representative and at a price higher than the market by a thousand Syrian pounds, as well as limiting the purchase of sumac in its season to its representative and at a price less than the market by two thousand pounds, as this summer it punished the citizen “Mustafa Rashid Zinki” for daring to buy a quantity of sumac and transport it outside the village, with beatings and a fine .
It cut down most of the forest trees in the mountains surrounding the village (Shekt, Bana Blank, Zinari Qalhaftari, Bana Sur, Richia Dza, Banna Hosh...), and the unjust cutting of 300 olive trees belonging to "Ahmed Rifaat Jaafar" in 2020 AD, A perennial coniferous tree was cut down in an olive field belonging to the family of the martyr "Abdul Hamid Zebar", for the purpose of wood and trade.
The residents of the village were subjected to various types of violations, from kidnapping and arbitrary arrests accompanied by torture, insults, material extortion and others. Dozens were arrested on charges of having ties with the former Autonomous Administration, including the young man "Duziyar Ahmed Kurdi / 25 years" since early October 2019 who was transferred to Turkey on charges of "" Involvement in the kidnapping of 60 bodies - according to the announcement of the Turkish Ministry of Interior / Anadolu Agency 20/11/2019 AD, of the "Ain Daqneh" members of the "Free Army" in a "loader" truck, and roaming with it in the streets of Afrin in April 2016; This is a violation of Article 49/ of the Fourth Geneva Convention, which states, “The prohibition of individual or mass forcible transfer and deportation of protected persons from the occupied territories to the territory of the occupying power...whatsoever their motives,” if they are against civilians or combatants. Note that Doziar is a young civilian who did not serve in the security and military forces of the former Autonomous Administration.
In mid-April 2020, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly al-Nusra) in Idlib executed the 24-year-old young man, "Batal Hassan Hassan" from the village, after the Turkish authorities arrested him in Hatay about seven months before that date and handed him over to al-Nusra. at the Bab al-Hawa crossing; The young man and his family had sought refuge in Turkey in 2012, after the deterioration of the situation in the Sheikh Maqsoud neighborhood of Aleppo, their place of residence before the displacement.
= Woman dies after beating:
On 10/13/2021 AD, the citizen Nemat Bahjat Sheikho - born in the village of "Qubyeh / Hamshalk" - Rajo died in 1988 AD, life in the "Ibn Sina" hospital in the city of Afrin, after her condition worsened, as a result of the beatings and the fear that inflicted on her, at the headquarters of the militias. The Military Police” near Azadi Square in the center of Afrin, after she was brought from the doctor’s office she went to for treatment and was six months pregnant, after the arrest of her husband, “Khalil Naasan Musa,” from the village of “Dumlia” - Rajo with two other young men from His village, "Abdo Omar Abdo, Mustafa Nami Abdo" who were parked in the street at the moment of a car bomb explosion 1/km west of the city, on the afternoon of Monday 11/10/2021 AD, on the pretext that the latter used his mobile phone at that moment and suspicions were raised around them, Where they were subjected to interrogation and torture, and they were all released on the same day after the woman's condition worsened, to take her to the hospital.
The family of the victim, her husband, and the other two young men are very concerned that one of them will be arrested and tortured again due to the spread of news of their arrest and the death of the woman because of it, although they refrained from making any statement or filing a complaint about that.
= Enforced disappearance and arbitrary arrests:
The citizen, “Arin Muhammad Dali Hassan, 25 years old, married for seven months and pregnant,” from the village of “Kimar” – Sherwa, is still under enforced disappearance from the “police-political security” militias in Afrin, without communicating with her family or appointing a lawyer or Submitted to trial, which was arbitrarily kidnapped/arrested by the militia of the "Hamza Division" on 9/12/2021 AD; It is noteworthy that "Arin" was previously kidnapped by the same militias in February 2020 and forcibly hidden in its headquarters (formerly Asayish building in Horsh al-Mahmoudiya) in the city of Afrin. 2020AD, and she was later released from Maratha prison on December 23, 2020.
The occupation authorities arrested:
- More than twenty days ago, the citizen "Mohammed Rashid Muhammad / 44 / years old" from the village of "Qubieh / Hamshalk" - Rajo, without explaining the reason.
- On 7/10/2021 AD, the citizens, "Imad Juma'a bin Othman, Azad Othman bin Hussein", were lying on the waters of Ali bin Anwar, an employee of the drinking water company in Afrin, and "Rasheed Dodakh bin Muhammad" of the Maidanki Dam employees, on charges of relationship with the administration. The previous self, and released them - with the exception of Yakboon Ali - after a few days and a fine was imposed on them; On October 17, 2021 AD, the citizen "Rasheed Hamo bin Hassan, 53 years old, from the village of Kamrash", was one of the company's employees on the same charge, and he was released a day later and a fine was imposed on him.
- On 10/12/2021 AD, Almasa Khalil Haj Abdo, 27 years old, from the town of Kafr Safra - Jindires, on the grounds that she was a teacher at the former Autonomous Administration, and is still under detention.
- On October 17, 2021 AD, after they were summoned to the Mabta District Center / Maabatli, the citizens “Mazkin Muhammad / 28 / years old”, Suzan Fadel / 33 / years old” from the village of “Breimjah” and “Lilaf Hamid Mustafa / 27 / years” from Residents of the village of "Mast Ashura", on the pretext that they worked as teachers during the previous Autonomous Administration, and released them after a day of detention and the imposition of fines.
- On October 17, 2021 AD, a second batch of citizens of the village of "Mamala" - Rajo, on charges of affiliation with the former Autonomous Administration, numbering nine, including "Rashid Rashid Zibar / 56 / years old, Ahmed Muhammad Khalil Zibar / 45 / years old, Salah Ahmed Ibrahim, 38 years old, Sabri Muhammad Faris, 35 years old, Ismat Hassan Aluko, 35 years old, Hussain Muhammad Ibrahim, 67 years old, and Qazqli Amin Faris, 45 years old, were released after a day of detention in Raju and a fine was imposed. Each of them has to pay 1200 Turkish liras, to be supplemented to two thousand Turkish liras when the ruling is issued.
= olive season:
Thefts and the imposition of royalties on the production of the olive season continue in the region, in the town of Mabta / Maabatli and the villages of "Hassiya / Mirkan, Brimjah, Shetka, Mast Ashura, Raja, Jomzna, Ali Jara, Masarkeh, Khazyaniya, Sheketka, Tarmosha, Aranda, Masteka", with Near the season, the Levantine Front militia seized all the olive groves belonging to the absentees, even those who delegated it, and looted their production without leaving even a part of the production to compensate for the expenses of two years of agricultural services and supplies.
In the villages of "Marate, Bablet, Kfarshel, Khlinir, Gazieh, Gundi Mazn", the Front imposed a 33% royalty on oil production from all absentees' properties.
= Excavation of the hill of Burj Abdalo:
Two weeks ago, the "Special Forces - Al-Sham Legion" militia, led by the so-called "Abdullah Halawa", continued to excavate and excavate the archaeological hill "Burj Abdalo" with heavy machinery and under the supervision of the Turkish intelligence, in search of treasures and antiquities and their theft. The hill was bulldozed and excavated for the first time in the summer of 2019. It is reported that the same militias were running a drug lab in the village of “Burj Abdalo” - Sherwa, which was stormed by the “Military Police in Jindires” on 3/10/2021 AD. its product.
= Fire in a forest:
The "Civil Defense in Afrin" reported that on Saturday 16/10/2021, its teams put out a fire that broke out in a forest forest in the village of "Khazyan" - Mabta / Maabatli. Its area is estimated at 2 / hectares, and the losses are about / 300 / trees; It is reported that the village is under the control of the Levant Front militia, and the gunmen deliberately cut down trees for firewood and trade, and sometimes set fires to forests to cover up the large plots or to cut down more trees on the pretext that they have become dry.
= chaos and disorder:
As a result of the random and common carrying of weapons among those who were resettled in the Afrin region:
- On 10/16/2021 AD, following a quarrel between some of the recruits in the town of Akbis-Rago and shooting, the young man "Fawaz Radwan Bakir" from Homs was killed.
- About ten days ago, following a quarrel between some of the recruits in front of an automatic bakery/bakery in the city of Jindires, the young man, "Zakaria Abdel Hamid Al-Baz" from the village of "Arjun - Al-Qusayr" - Homs countryside, was wounded with several stab wounds and others were wounded, and he died of his severe wounds. On October 20, 2021 AD in a Turkish hospital.
= Landmine Explosion:
On October 17, 2021 AD, as a result of a landmine explosion near the village of "Tal Susin" - al-Shahba area in the northern countryside of Aleppo from the remnants of the armed militias, four minors from Afrin displaced were injured, they are "Diyar Muhammad Abdo / 15 years old, Sarhad Muhammad Tari" / 14 / years old, Nabu Juma'a Arabo / 14 / year, and Ishaq Ibrahim Tari / 13 / years old.
= Avraz, Gobekê, Gulîka villages:
Three adjacent villages on the southern slope of Mount Hawar, affiliated to the Mabta / Maabatli district and 11 km away from its center, consisting of about /225/ houses, in which were about a thousand original Kurdish inhabitants, of whom were forcibly displaced /15 families = 75 people/ And about 50 families = 300 people/ of those recruited have been settled there. There is a camp built near it on an area of 1/km2, and it includes about 385 families = 2,300 people/ of the recruits, and it is provided with all services.
The militias of the "North Brigade" took control of the three villages and made the house of "Muddathir Shuaib Suleiman" in "Afraz" as a military headquarters, and seized about / 25 / houses with their contents, and stole two agricultural tractors belonging to the citizens "Khalil Abdo Daoud, Kamal Naasan" and two cars (Beck). A Hyundai and Carnival saloon) for “Mohamed Hussein”, a Toyota pickup car for “Enayat Hamo” and an electric generating set (amperes) for “Leader of Pots”, the transformer of the public electricity network and a section of its cables, and the poles and cables of the landline telephone network.
It seized about 3 / 3 thousand olive trees, including those belonging to the "Hanak family, the Medawar family, Manan Sheikh Naasan", and the building of the "Muhammad Ali Sheikho" mill, and placed machines in it to operate for their benefit every season, and his house in "Afraz", although he A resident of the city of Afrin, and on the building of a poultry house by "Muhammad Hamid Jaafar" and the building of an old Birin factory by "Hamid Shukri Mustafa" located in the village junction, which she uses for raising livestock and housing the families of her shepherds. A 40% royalty is imposed on olive production from absentee property.
Two years ago, it has more than once and currently bulldozed and excavated the "Afraz" hill with heavy machinery in search of antiquities and treasures and stolen them. It also led to the uprooting of dozens of olive trees belonging to the "Sheikh Ma'am family", as well as excavated sites around the village cemetery near the hill.
Oaks and olive trees were cut down in a shrine north of the village, and forest trees continued to be cut from Mount Hawar, to continue to manufacture and trade in charcoal, as there are about 25 octs of charcoal on the land of Bayader between the villages of “Afras and Golika,” in addition to the unjust cutting of hundreds of olive trees. every year.
The residents of the three villages were subjected to various violations, including kidnapping and arbitrary arrests, accompanied by torture, insults, material extortion, the employment of men without payment of wages and other inhumane practices, including the arrest of dozens, including women on unfair charges, and some of them more than once, such as the citizen “Sherrhad Oso Bin Dayan / 35 years” A resident of the village of “Garieh” - Bulbul, who moved to live in “Afraz”, his wife’s village ten years ago, and was arrested in late 2018, and was subjected to severe torture on the pretext that his brothers and relatives are in the ranks of the People’s Protection Units, so he was forcibly displaced to Aleppo and fell ill with a terminal illness as a result of which he died In addition, the militias stole his agricultural tractor in the village, which was in the possession of "Ismat Hanan", his father-in-law.
Among the civilians of the village of Afraz, civilians were martyred:
- "Omar Hajj Hassan Omar, 35 years old", in the massacre of Mahmudiya neighborhood in Afrin city on March 16, 2018, as a result of the bombing of the Turkish army.
- "Mustafa Abdo Shaheen / 60 years old", on May 22, 2018, with live ammunition during a nightly raid on his house in the Mahmudiya neighborhood in the city of Afrin by an armed militia.
- "Kamiran Manan Ali Bin Nabi / 45 years old" on 16/12/2018, in the accident of detonating a "van" car inside Al-Hal Market, Afrin.
- "Akid Muhammad Sheikh Hassan / 25 years old", in mysterious circumstances, where his body was found in mid-January 2019 near his village.
- Muhammad Hanif Muslim, 33 years old, a graduate of the Faculty of Sharia in Damascus, the afternoon of Tuesday, April 28, 2020, as a result of a large explosion in front of the popular market in Rajo Street in Afrin.
= Arbitrary arrests:
The occupation authorities arrested:
- On 10/23/2021 AD, lawyer Najah Omar Arous, 51 years old, from the village of “Kura” - Rajo, by the district police, on the pretext that she appeared in a video clip of a protest against the Turkish aggression in front of the Justice Building in Afrin during the Autonomous Administration the previous one, after returning from Aleppo to the village at the beginning of this month to visit her elderly, sick parents, as her father died a day before her arrival; She was transferred to Afrin prisons.
- On 10/25/2021 AD, the citizens "Hanan Moussalli and his two daughters Nujeen and Nisreen, Ahmed Mousli, Muhammad Amin Mousli" from the people of the town of Shara / Sharan by the "military police", after searching their homes and their cell phones, and took them to Afrin, to release them on 10/28/2021 AD, without any charges being brought against them
= Avraz, Gobekê, Gulîka villages:
Three adjacent villages on the southern slope of Mount Hawar, affiliated to the Mabta / Maabatli district and 11 km away from its center, consisting of about /225/ houses, in which were about a thousand original Kurdish inhabitants, of whom were forcibly displaced /15 families = 75 people/ And about 50 families = 300 people/ of those recruited have been settled there. There is a camp built near it on an area of 1/km2, and it includes about 385 families = 2,300 people/ of the recruits, and it is provided with all services.
The militias of the "North Brigade" took control of the three villages and made the house of "Muddathir Shuaib Suleiman" in "Afraz" as a military headquarters, and seized about / 25 / houses with their contents, and stole two agricultural tractors belonging to the citizens "Khalil Abdo Daoud, Kamal Naasan" and two cars (Beck). A Hyundai and Carnival saloon) for “Mohamed Hussein”, a Toyota pickup car for “Enayat Hamo” and an electric generating set (amperes) for “Leader of Pots”, the transformer of the public electricity network and a section of its cables, and the poles and cables of the landline telephone network.
It seized about 3 / 3 thousand olive trees, including those belonging to the "Hanak family, the Medawar family, Manan Sheikh Naasan", and the building of the "Muhammad Ali Sheikho" mill, and placed machines in it to operate for their benefit every season, and his house in "Afraz", although he A resident of the city of Afrin, and on the building of a poultry house by "Muhammad Hamid Jaafar" and the building of an old Birin factory by "Hamid Shukri Mustafa" located in the village junction, which she uses for raising livestock and housing the families of her shepherds. A 40% royalty is imposed on olive production from absentee property.
Two years ago, it has more than once and currently bulldozed and excavated the "Afraz" hill with heavy machinery in search of antiquities and treasures and stolen them. It also led to the uprooting of dozens of olive trees belonging to the "Sheikh Ma'am family", as well as excavated sites around the village cemetery near the hill.
Oaks and olive trees were cut down in a shrine north of the village, and forest trees continued to be cut from Mount Hawar, to continue to manufacture and trade in charcoal, as there are about 25 octs of charcoal on the land of Bayader between the villages of “Afras and Golika,” in addition to the unjust cutting of hundreds of olive trees. every year.
The residents of the three villages were subjected to various violations, including kidnapping and arbitrary arrests, accompanied by torture, insults, material extortion, the employment of men without payment of wages and other inhumane practices, including the arrest of dozens, including women on unfair charges, and some of them more than once, such as the citizen “Sherrhad Oso Bin Dayan / 35 years” A resident of the village of “Garieh” - Bulbul, who moved to live in “Afraz”, his wife’s village ten years ago, and was arrested in late 2018, and was subjected to severe torture on the pretext that his brothers and relatives are in the ranks of the People’s Protection Units, so he was forcibly displaced to Aleppo and fell ill with a terminal illness as a result of which he died In addition, the militias stole his agricultural tractor in the village, which was in the possession of "Ismat Hanan", his father-in-law.
Among the civilians of the village of Afraz, civilians were martyred:
- "Omar Hajj Hassan Omar, 35 years old", in the massacre of Mahmudiya neighborhood in Afrin city on March 16, 2018, as a result of the bombing of the Turkish army.
- "Mustafa Abdo Shaheen / 60 years old", on May 22, 2018, with live ammunition during a nightly raid on his house in the Mahmudiya neighborhood in the city of Afrin by an armed militia.
- "Kamiran Manan Ali Bin Nabi / 45 years old" on 16/12/2018, in the accident of detonating a "van" car inside Al-Hal Market, Afrin.
- "Akid Muhammad Sheikh Hassan / 25 years old", in mysterious circumstances, where his body was found in mid-January 2019 near his village.
- Muhammad Hanif Muslim, 33 years old, a graduate of the Faculty of Sharia in Damascus, the afternoon of Tuesday, April 28, 2020, as a result of a large explosion in front of the popular market in Rajo Street in Afrin.
= Arbitrary arrests:
The occupation authorities arrested:
- On 10/23/2021 AD, lawyer Najah Omar Arous, 51 years old, from the village of “Kura” - Rajo, by the district police, on the pretext that she appeared in a video clip of a protest against the Turkish aggression in front of the Justice Building in Afrin during the Autonomous Administration the previous one, after returning from Aleppo to the village at the beginning of this month to visit her elderly, sick parents, as her father died a day before her arrival; She was transferred to Afrin prisons.
- On 10/25/2021 AD, the citizens "Hanan Moussalli and his two daughters Nujeen and Nisreen, Ahmed Mousli, Muhammad Amin Mousli" from the people of the town of Shara / Sharan by the "military police", after searching their homes and their cell phones, and took them to Afrin, to release them on 10/28/2021 AD, without any charges being brought against them
- On October 26, 2021 AD, citizen Shukri Muhammad Abdo, 65 years old, from the village of "Saria" - Mabta / Ma'abatli, was accused of having ties to the former Autonomous Administration. He was released on October 28, 2021 AD.
- On 10/27/2021 AD, citizens "Ayman Muhammad Ali Kifu / 27 years old, his wife Benfasha Muhammad Nur Kivu / 25 years old and mother of two children, his sister, the girl Nofin Muhammad Ali Kifu / 25 years", from the village of Ghazawiya - Sherwa, from Before the Military Police in Afrin, on charges of having a relationship with the former Autonomous Administration.
= olive season:
Thefts and royalties continue, and the sale and purchase of olive oil at a low price (37 US dollars and less per plate /16/ kg net, less than the popular price in the Syrian market by about /20/) and table olives at a price (3-6 TL ≈ 1 -2 thousand SP/kg, less than the prevailing price in the Syrian market by about a thousand SP); as:
The militias of Faylaq al-Majd informed the people of the village of "Kila" - Bulbul (70 families) to impose a royalty of /300/ cans of olive oil (16 kg net), and the people of the village of "Zarka" - Rajo with / 130 / plates.
- The "Al-Sham Legion" militia informed the residents of the village of "Dekeh" - Rajo to impose a royalty of /150/ can of olive oil (16 kg net).
Ten days ago, a group of “Al-Hamza Division” militias looted the olive fruits from a field (230 trees) belonging to the forcibly displaced “Adnan Rashid Kara Gul” from the village of “Satia” - Mapta / Maabatli, located near the nearby Gorka well. The weapon was in the face of his elderly father, "Rasheed Kara Gul" when he went to the field and tried to prevent the theft, and she expelled him.
A week ago, the so-called "Abu Farhan", the leader of the "Sultan Murad Division" militia in the village of "Kafroum" - Shara / Sharran, looted the olive fruits from a field (150 trees) belonging to the forcibly displaced "Youssef Rashid Abdo", although he had appointed His brother, "Mohammed", managed his property, which had been providing services and expenses for the field for two years.
= chaos and disorder:
On 10/24/2021 AD, an armed group of the “Sultan Selimah Shah Division” militia - Amshat stationed in the Shih / Sheikh Al-Hadid district and has no influence in the city of Afrin tried to kidnap the recruit “Ahmed Al-Nayef”, a vegetable and fruit merchant from the middle of Al-Hal market Afrin, but that A group of militias from "Division 51 - the Levant Front" confronted and prevented them, and clashes took place between the two parties, which led to the killing of one of the Amshas and the wounding of five others.
= miscellaneous:
- In another confirmation of the existence of a drug lab in the village of "Burj Abdalo" - Sherwa under the control of the "Special Forces - Faylaq al-Sham" militia affiliated with the "Syrian National Army" linked to the Syrian-Brotherhood coalition loyal to Turkey and led by the so-called "Abdullah Halawa", published The local council in Afrin posted on its Facebook page on 10/26/2021 AD news that “the Directorate of Health in Afrin, in coordination with the security services,” “destroyed the narcotic substances that were seized in a factory for the production of narcotic substances in the countryside of Afrin”; It is reported that the militias of the "Military Police in Jindires" stormed the factory on 3/10/2021 AD after a clash with its guards. The occupation authorities have not yet revealed the details of their investigations, the factory's ownership, production capacity, quality of raw materials, production, methods and destinations for sale and purchase.- Within the framework of the militant and active religious movement in Afrin, the Department of Endowments, Ifta and Religious Affairs in Bulbul opened, on 22/10/2021 AD, a mosque in the village of “Qorneh” and another in the site of “Risheh” in the town of Bulbul, which were built with the Turkish flag raised on them. By the "White Hands Association - Turkey" and funded by the "Living with Dignity Association - Palestine 48"; On 9/8/2021 AD, the department had honored male and female students who excelled in Quranic circles during the summer.
Report sources:
Media of the Kurdish Democratic Unity Party in Syria
- activists
- human rights organizations