The crimes of the Turkish occupation and the Syrian mercenaries in Afrin

آدمن الموقع
The town of "Midan Akbis" - extensive demographic change and the seizure of property, the ban on celebrating the New Year, testimonies of the crimes of "Abu Amsha"
Celebrating New Year’s Eve in Afrin has been a joyful tradition in society for decades, but it disappeared with the occupation of the region since March 2018 and the spread of extremist Islamic religious manifestations, especially since the so-called “Azm Chamber” composed of militias linked to the Syrian-Brotherhood coalition yesterday canceled three Parties were to be held on the occasion of the New Year in the halls of "Jebel Hawar, Lord, Show Cafe" in the city, despite the absence of alcoholic beverages, in light of the absence of Eid manifestations and the imposed atmosphere of terror.
Below we document numerous violations and crimes:
= Meydan Ekbez:
It follows the Rajo district and is 21 km north of its center. It is located near the border strip with Turkey, where there is a train crossing; It consisted of about /500/ houses, and there were about 2500/ original Kurdish residents, of whom only 128 families = 400/ people remained, most of them are elderly, and the others were forcibly displaced, and about /600 families = 3500 people/ of those who were recruited there were settled within The seized houses and dozens of tents set up in the vicinity of the town, near the Awlad’s mill of the late Ahmed Qassem, near the villa of “Khader Maha” on the main road, and in tents erected between the plain of Akbis Square and its mountains, up to the village of “Khrab Suluk.”
And to confirm the methodology of demographic change, there is a video clip filmed inside the town and circulating on social media, since the first days of the occupation of the town, in which a gunman brought in from the Qaboun neighborhood in Damascus talks about the town and its beauty and that it is empty of its residents and granted to them to settle there, and invites his relatives to come to it to establish A new Qaboun in it with the change of the name of its mosque to "The Great Mosque".
The "Al-Sham Legion" militia controls the town and is led there by the so-called "Salil Al-Khalidi" and Major Hisham Al-Homsi, who are from Homs Governorate. Mehmet Khalil, the headquarters of Turkish intelligence.
The militias seized approximately 400 houses including their contents, and "Al-Khalidi" resided his family in the "Khader Maha" villa. They also stole from the rest supplies, copper utensils, gas cylinders, electrical tools and equipment, etc., and an electrical generating set for "Khader Maha" and other equipment. An Internet network by Walid Mostafa Dezo, and cars were stolen, including a Hyundai pickup by Ahmed Ismail Sino, as well as tons of iron from the train line that had been assembled at the station years ago, with a broken trailer parked in it set on fire.
It also seized two olive presses belonging to "Muslim Sheikho Marjan, Yahya Dandash" and the automatic bakery belonging to "Faeq Khatoun", and tens of thousands of olive trees, grapes and others, including (3,000/ trees belonging to "Khader Hajji Maha and his two brothers Abdo and Ayoub", 1200). / a tree for “Mohammed Qajiro Ibrahim”, / 1500 / tree for “Muslim Sheikho – Marjan”, / 150 / tree for “the late Taher Alo”, and / 800 / tree for the family of the late “Nuri Ahmed Musa”), and hundreds of hectares of land Agricultural crops, including (Khader Hajji Mohi, Nidal Muhammad Othman, Rashid Muhammad Naasan, the children of Ahmed Musa Naasan, the late Taher Alo); except for thefts, royalties, and financial ransoms imposed on families.
All the turkey oak trees were cut down on the main road leading to the town, including two of them over 200 years old by "Mohammed Daoud Sino, Hussein Sheikh Khalo", in addition to the overgrazing of livestock between fields and agricultural lands, without one of the owners daring to prevent it; I dug and excavated the archaeological site "Sura" in search of antiquities and buried treasures and stolen them.
Those remaining in the town were subjected to various types of violations and crimes, including kidnapping, arbitrary arrests, torture, insults, material extortion and others. ; There are still citizens present in the town who are prohibited from entering their homes due to the seizure of their homes by the armed men, including "Mustafa Ismail - Gilo, Ahmed Osman - Gomi".
During the aggression on the region, on January 28, 2018, the citizen, "Aref Hanan Othman, 70," was targeted at night with live bullets by the Turkish army, and he was martyred immediately; The citizen "Muhammad Abdul Rahman Horo" was martyred during his service in the Asayish on 3/15/2018, and the citizen "Ramzi Hussein bin Khamis / 60/ years old" died on 10/5/2018 forcibly due to a heart attack after the constant threats and harassment he received against the background of his demand for his return His house, which was taken over by the gunmen, and on 3/06/2021 AD, the citizen “Sheikhmus Qassem bin Mustafa/ 73 years old” lost his life in Rajo prison under torture, and he is from the village of “Kusa” and he was residing in the town of Maidan Ikbis alone, and his house was seized including It contains its contents and properties.
= Testimonies about the crimes of "Muhammad Al-Jassem - Abu Amsha":
In the context of the dispute over the spheres of influence, loot and money between the various militias, and the dispute between mercenaries within the "Sultan Suleiman Shah Division", testimonies continue on social media pages about scandals and crimes by its leader, "Mohammed Al-Jassem-Abu Amsha", one of which is a recently published video clip in which the so-called "Muhammad Omar al-Omar", one of his former members, reported the theft of "Abu Amsha" from a mill near the railway tracks in the "Muhammad al-Fateh Brigade" sector, by sending an armed group to kidnap those in it on the accusation that they were "members of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK)" and transporting olive oil in five freight cars. It steals five million Syrian pounds and six cell phones and throws the kidnapped into the valley; This testimony corresponds to what we documented about an armed robbery in the report “Afrin Under Occupation (14) - 29/12/2018,” which stated: “In a major robbery carried out by a group of armed faction members, the al-Khayrat Press (Masrat al-Sheikh) was exposed. Hussein (formerly) - Katakh Drumieh Road, on the night of 12/25/2018, 1500/ tins of olive oil were stolen, and the workers and those present were detained, and some of them were beaten and left in a further place - near the village of Kala, which prompted the owner of the mill, Muhammad Ali Sineh, from the village of Qantara to Its closure, which previously paid a large ransom to retrieve its machines from the hands of thieves who stole them during the occupation of the area”; The aforementioned road leads to the center of the Shih/Sheikh al-Hadid district, the stronghold of "Abu Amsha", and the village of "Kala" belongs to it and falls under its control.
In another new video clip, the so-called "Abdul Ghafour Al-Omar", a former member of "Abu Amsha", confirms that when he invaded several villages and towns in Sheikh Al-Hadid, he collected large quantities of olive oil found in homes, shops and presses, and transported them to Turkey under the management of his brother, "Alamdar". Each family in Sheikh Al-Hadid paid sums of money in exchange for allowing them to return, and he was forcing women to pay large sums of money after accusing them of belonging to the “PKK” or raping them. rent for their homes; This testimony also coincides with what we have published in numerous reports on the thefts, royalties and financial ransoms that he imposed on the remaining families and the looting of absentees' properties.
As a result of the pressures that Abu Amsha is subjected to, he tightened his security and military measures within his control, forcing his members, their families, and the people of the district to go out in rallies in support of him, and forcing some groups to make statements of solidarity with him and to deny the violations attributed to him.
= Other violations:
- On December 22, 2021 AD, the occupation authorities arrested Fathi Muhammad Ali from the village of "Ma'arska" - Shara / Sharan, then released him on the fifth day. He was kidnapped and arrested more than once.
- On December 30, 2021 AD, the occupation authorities re-arrested the citizen "Nisreen Muhammad Waqas / 30 / years old" from the town of "Kakhri" - Mabta / Maabatli, after she was released earlier on bail after being detained in Afrin prison since 21 / 9/2021 AD, in order to complete the remainder of the unjust prison sentence imposed on her for her relationship with the former Autonomous Administration.
- On December 30, 2021 AD, the militias of the "Syrian Front" raided houses in the village of "Trenda" - Afrin, and arrested the citizen "Mustafa Nasir Hikma - Fako / 50 years old" and a young man named "Hussein / 26 / years old" residing in the village, without Find out the reasons.
- The train station at Meydan Akbis - Raju
The takeover of a shop in the town of “Meydan Akbis”.
The martyrs “Arif Hanan Othman, Muhammad Abdul Rahman Horo, Sheikhmus Mustafa Qassem.”
The late “Ramzi Hussein bin Khamis.”
The so-called “Salil al-Khalidi” is the leader of the “Al-Sham Legion” militia in the town of “Maidan Akbis”.
- “Sura” archaeological site - “Akbis Square”.

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