The Kurdish Uprising in Syria 12 March 2004

آدمن الموقع
Report preparation
On March 12, 2004, the Kurdish uprising began in the city of Qamishlo in northeastern Syria, after the implementation of a conspiracy by the Syrian security authorities against the Kurdish people, and the introduction of a large number of mercenaries - members and supporters of the Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party, from the city of Deir ez-Zor with the Fatwa football team to the city Kurdish "Qamishlo" armed with knives, sticks, stones, and weapons, raising pictures of the then Iraqi president, "Saddam Hussein", began to attack the fans of the Jihad soccer team inside the stadium, under the protection of Syrian security. The Syrian security forces used terrorist methods and fired live bullets against the Kurdish people.
Within a few hours, the events developed into confrontations, and the security forces and the police committed crimes against the people of Qamishlo, reaching all the Kurdish region in Syria "Derik - Al-Hasakah - Tirbeh Sepih - Karaki Laky - Amuda - Derbasiyah - Serêkaniyê - Kobani and its suburbs - and all of Afrin.. in addition. To the Kurdish neighborhoods in Aleppo, all the way to the Syrian capital, Damascus, which witnessed a massive campaign of identity arrests and enforced disappearances.
The criminal regime used the Fourth Military Division, which carried out terrorist acts against Kurdish civilians.

The suppression of Syrian security organs, hundreds of thousands of Kurds in the country has not been intimidated from Jamshlo and down to Damascus Rabie in 2004, in a mass uprising was the first spark of the spring of peoples and the rule of launching the Revolution of the Rouge Ava and North Syria.
On March 12, 2004, the Municipal Stadium in the city of Qamishlo, whose children were known for their love of football and their club Al-Jihad, was on a date with a match that gathered their club with the Al-Fatwa guest club coming from the city of Deir Ezzor, within the framework of the Syrian Football League season 2003/2004.

The stadium .. the spark of the Kurdish uprising

Minutes before kick-off, The fans of Al-Fatwa Club, who came from Deir Ezzor, launched; Political slogans saluting the head of the Iraqi Baathist regime, "Saddam Hussein," who was arrested during the US invasion, and accusing the Kurds, through other slogans, of seeking secession along the lines of the Kurdistan region of Iraq and the implementation of Western plans.
Unusually, the Syrian government authorities confused the two fans in one section of the stands, and soon the Al-Fatwa club, which was armed with stones and white weapons, began attacking the Al-Jihad team fans, who were subjected to thorough inspection by the security services before entering the stands.
After the injury of many Al-Jihad fans, confrontations broke out between the two fans on the field; Meanwhile, the Syrian security forces deliberately shot civilians after the governor of Hasaka, Salim Kabul, arrived in Qamishlo and gave orders to target the Kurds directly, which led to the immediate loss of three Kurdish youths, while dozens of others were wounded.
With reports of fans casualties at the hands of the security services, the people closed their shops and went out of their homes to the squares and public roads to express their anger and resentment at the security forces' targeting of peaceful youths. The protests spread throughout the city of Qamishlo.
The next day, the city witnessed a general strike, and tens of thousands participated in the funeral of the bodies of the three victims. The security forces intervened again to disperse the mourners using live bullets, leaving dozens of civilians, including women and children, among the martyrs and wounded.

Arabization policies and agreements targeting the Kurdish presence on its historical land

Since the union between Syria and Egypt was declared in 1958 and Gamal Abdel Nasser assumed the presidency of this united republic at that time, chauvinistic Arab policies began to be applied against the Kurds in Syria, as the Agrarian Reform Law was issued defining the ownership of agricultural lands.
The goal was to expropriate agricultural land from Kurdish citizens in northern and eastern Syria, and turn it into state property to establish Arab settlements there later.
Although this republic did not last long, and ended in 1961, chauvinistic policies continued against the Kurds, and the Nasserites and Arab nationalists had a great influence on the government formed after the separation, which led to the change of the name of Syria from the Syrian Republic to the Syrian Arab Republic.
One of the first policies that were applied to the Kurds by the Arabs was a census in 1962, in which hundreds of thousands of Kurds were stripped of their citizenship and considered foreigners in their historical land.
After the Baath Party came to power through a military coup on March 8, 1963, it followed chauvinistic policies against the Kurds, setting the Arab belt scheme in the Kurdish regions starting in 1965.
The ruling Baath Party began implementing the Arab belt project in practice in 1973 by Arabizing the Kurdish areas in the north-east of the country, with a length of 275 km and a width ranging between 10 and 15 km on the Turkish border, aiming to change the demographic composition in the Kurdish areas by establishing Arab settlements and transferring Arabs to them on the pretext that The waters of the Euphrates Dam lake flooded their lands.
The Syrian government continued its policies of repression against the Kurds until the signing of the Adana Agreement in 1998 with the Turkish regime, which included in all its clauses cooperation in eliminating any Kurdish movement demanding the legitimate rights of the Kurdish people in the two countries.

A fabricated sedition from the Syrian government..

After the Syrian government signed the Adana Agreement with Turkey, he wanted to eliminate the Kurdish presence in Syria by following the policies of starvation and prompting the Kurdish people to migrate automatically from their land towards the capital, Damascus, and major Syrian cities, in addition to suppressing the political movement.
In order to confront these government policies, September 2003 witnessed the birth of the Democratic Union Party, which became a large fan base in a short time, following its demand for the legitimate rights of the Kurdish people, and the start of organizing political and partisan activities for the sake of the Kurdish cause.
These developments in Syria coincided with developments in neighboring countries, as America had invaded Iraq in 2003, and eliminated the Iraqi Baathist regime, and provided support for the Kurds in Başûr Kurdistan to obtain a federation, and this is what the Syrian government considered a separation from Iraq.
Therefore, the Syrian government wanted to ignite the fuse between the Kurds and the Arabs, taking advantage of the match between the Jihad Clubs from Qamishlo and the Fatwa from Deir ez-Zor, and chose the city of Qamishlo, which includes the largest gathering of Kurds in Syria, as a place to commit its massacres as a preemptive strike, and a process of intimidation of the Kurdish movements and street against any demands they might demand.

The uprising is the basis of the spring of the peoples in the Middle East

The uprising that the Kurds emerged in all cities of northern and eastern Syria in 2004, became a measure of the extent of the organization of the people, and the extent to which it is linked to its goals and its usurped rights. "Black" and "Cruel".
Only 6 years after the Qamishlo uprising was enough for the peoples of the region to rise up against their rulers, so the peoples, starting with Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Yemen, rose up and overthrew dictatorial regimes, which tasted bitterness at their hands for decades, until the Syrians took to the squares on March 15, 2011 demanding freedom, which is The same are the demands of the participants in the Qamishlo uprising in 2004.
The 2004 uprising was considered a solid basis for the July 19 revolution in Rojava. The demands for freedom, democracy and justice that hundreds of thousands raised in the throats of hundreds of thousands during the 7 days of the uprising did not change with the start of the Rojava revolution on July 19, 2012 from the city of Kobani.

Strategic dimensions of the Kurdish movement

The Qamishlo uprising on the twelfth of March 2004 was a major turning point in the struggle of the Kurdish movement in Syria, which extended from the far north-east of Derik to Afrin and all the Kurdish areas in Aleppo and Damascus, where the entire Kurdish people, young men, women, and children, came to The street with one voice and hand in hand to announce its indignation, anger and rejection of the life of humiliation, oppression and persecution that was practiced against it for decades by a chauvinistic Baathist regime represented by the ruling and tyrannical Assad family that fortified itself with a branched and branched security network in all parts of Syria, which was striking with an iron hand. Everyone who disagrees with them and opposes them. The Syrian people in general and the Kurdish people in particular have suffered real suffering as a result of the exceptional and unjust measures against the Kurds and the martial laws that were applied to them, and as is the case in all uprisings and revolutions in the world, they have their direct and indirect causes. The Qamishlo uprising also had indirect causes, which centered on the following:
1_ Politically, the unjust census was applied in 1962 against the Kurds and deprived them of Syrian citizenship
2_ Attempting to obliterate the Kurdish identity by all methods and means, including distortion and falsification of history books to conform to their positions that deny the existence of the Kurds in Syria, knowing that their roots are rooted and extended in Syria for hundreds or even thousands of years. The archaeological blocks of Leylan, Tell Sharmol, Tell Mozan, Tell Brak, etc…….
3- Follow the policy of Arabization with the Kurds, which centered on several points:
A- The demographic change of the Kurdish regions, by implementing the Arab belt in 1974 at the hands of Syrian President Hafez al-Assad, whose idea goes back to First Lieutenant Muhammad Talb Hilal, head of the political division in al-Hasakah in 1962. Through the implementation of this belt, the lands of the Kurds were seized by force of arms and Giving it to the immersion Arabs who settled in those lands.
B - Replacing the names of Kurdish cities and towns with Arabic names and placing obstacles and difficulties in registering Kurdish citizens for their children with Kurdish names.
C- Banning parties in Syria and preventing them from joining the National Progressive Front parties and not allowing them to run for elections to the People's Assembly and local councils.
D- Suppression of freedoms, most notably the freedom of opinion and thought, their arrest of many Kurdish writers and thinkers and their imprisonment in Syrian prisons.
E- Banning the Kurdish language in official departments and preventing Kurdish culture and media from circulating in all its visual, audio and written forms.
 F- The expulsion of Kurdish students from Syrian institutes and the arrest of activists among them from universities. - R- Preventing the Kurds from assuming management positions in official departments, except on the condition of affiliation with the Baath Party and compliance with the conditions of the security branches.
G - Not accepting Kurdish students in several university branches, such as journalism and media, and all military colleges and academies, except with the aforementioned conditions, which is affiliation with the Ba'ath Party. From an economic point of view, the economic and service marginalization in all its forms in the Kurdish areas was deliberately done. All these reasons and many more have created in the Kurdish people a state of grumbling, resentment and discontent and gave birth to real suffering in their daily lives despite their being the most loyal and sincere in their service to Syria and striving for its progress and renaissance in all aspects, especially from the military point of view, as they have always been on the front lines in the battle fronts in defense of Syria and have sacrificed their blood for it.
- Hawar News Agency
- romav
- wikipedia

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