About UsAbout geo-strategy


Geostrategic Studies Network
Public perception

Strategic and forward-looking studies constitute the intellectual and cognitive repertoire through which some answers and solutions can be obtained in times of crises and sudden needs. They are the present’s stock for the future, and a bank of ready-made knowledge and ideas that in a moment turned into a safety valve and one of the reasons for reducing waste of time and effort.

Network objectives (strategic dimensions)

The network works to contribute to building a conscious Kurdish society, and presents the bright image of the enlightened and civilized thought of the Kurdish people to the international community, and seeks to build a knowledge and societal lobby, and a media edifice specializing in strategic analysis, as wide electronic windows through which peoples and civilizations can learn about the Kurdish knowledge production.

In achieving its goals, the network relies on the following activities:

- Political analysis through anticipating events.
- Conducting intellectual and scientific research and studies.
- Conducting statistics, evaluations, opinion polls, and field surveys.
- Paying attention to civil society and organizing activities and events that help achieve this.
- Drafting human rights reports through field work in areas witnessing violations.
- Monitoring, recording and documenting events related to the Kurdish situation, regionally and globally.
- Providing consultations.
- Organizing conferences, seminars and courses on topics of local, regional and international importance.
- Intellectual and scientific cooperation with institutions and corresponding study centers with similar purposes and interests.

Network means and its tributaries
The network consists of 10 electronic media outlets:
1- A website on the Internet in Arabic.
2- A website on the Internet in the Kurdish language.
3- A website on the Internet in English.
5- A website on the Internet in German
6- Geostrategy Library website for electronic books (selections of analytical books)
7- Website/Cultural Supplement: “Free Thought” magazine, a specialized scientific research quarterly (electronically).
8- The website of the Kurdish Civil Society Geostrategic Organization.
9- A number of discussion and news rooms on (WhatsApp, Telegram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube).
10- Application on Google Play.

Work in the network is voluntary and free, and all volunteers provide their contributions free of charge.

Network logo
Publication languages: Arabic - Kurdish - English - German.
Network headquarters: It is managed from Germany through a wide electronic network, the Internet and social media networks. In addition to a branching societal system abroad and within the Kurdish family in Syria and the Middle East.

Civil and legal work:

Civil society and human rights are an essential part of the network’s work, and to achieve parity between its work in research, studies, and civil and human rights activity, Geostrategy organizes a special section under the name (Geostrategic Organization for Kurdish Civil Society), as a community case consisting of Kurdish volunteers from Rojava abroad and inside, working in the field of Civil and human rights society, seeking to build a conscious Kurdish society and achieve the following goals:
- Unifying Kurdish societal and legal energies.
- Building a community lobby that represents civil and human rights activities and is influenced by the highest issues of the Kurdish people.
- Upgrading Kurdish society and maintaining its cohesion with Kurdish values.
- Supporting youth, women and social justice issues.
- Building bridges of friendship with other peoples and consolidating community relations.
- Spreading democratic values, human rights, public freedoms, coexistence, and civil peace.

Links to all websites affiliated with the Geostrategy Network for Studies on the Internet and social media.
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