A memorandum of understanding was signed between the German Board of Training and Consulting and the GEO STRATEGIC NETWORK FOR STUDIES. The comprehensive training process for the two parties in order to strengthen it and to enable relations between the two centers to activate the role of exchanging experiences in areas of joint cooperation, as the German Board has long experience in the field of human development and training, and has wide fields and international experiences, and has a large number of branches and centers exceeding 60 branches The world included more than 30 countries, which can be used in developing a methodology for specialized work, and enabling the intellectual and research programs that specialize and characterize the geostrategic network of studies.
The agreement includes strengthening cooperation in addition to the aforementioned fields, holding specialized courses, and the German Board presented its full readiness to hold appropriate courses that help in community development, human development and strategic research, and granting trainees official German certificates.
The agreement was signed by the German Board Organization, Dr. Rami Hindi, Chairman of the Board of Directors, and by the network, Professor Ibrahim Kaban / Director of the Geostrategic Network for Studies.
It is mentioned that the Geostrategic Network for Studies is a project that deals with political analysis, research and strategic studies, reading and anticipating events, as well as contributing to the spread of democratic values, human rights and freedoms.
It publishes research papers, studies and analyzes in four languages respectively: "Arabic - Kurdî - English - Deutsche".