What is behind the military confrontations in Qamishli between the Autonomous Administration and the Syrian regime?

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The picture is of a fighter from the Internal Security Forces (Asayish) standing on the slogan of the National Defense Militia on the third day of the confrontations

Reading strategy by Ibrahim Kaban
The Syrian regime has been threatening to direct the "National Defense" militia against the Autonomous Administration in northern and eastern Syria / the Kurdish region /, and the Syrian intelligence has turned its security squares in the cities of Hasakah and Qamishli into foci for training, financing and arming these groups, as a military force affiliated with it and moving according to its policies, which threatened Civil peace and coexistence among the components of the region, after these militias became active and threatened the entire region, and carried out many attacks against civilians and residents, and carried out terrorist acts of murder and assassinations, which necessitated dealing with them and ending their branches that pose a real threat to the entire region.

In an arbitrary manner, the funders of the armed groups (the National Defense) are used in the Autonomous Administration areas, especially the city of Qamishlo, which is considered the most sensitive area for the presence of an ethnic mixture of Syria on one side, and the multiplicity of local and international military forces, in addition to the presence of an airport for the Syrian regime used by the regime's allies from the Iranian battalions and forces Russian and armed groups affiliated with Damascus, with their presence and movements in the region. Of course, everyone is trying to expand in the region by expanding its control, especially since the strongest controllers in these areas are the Syrian Democratic Forces, supported by the United States of America, France and other international coalition forces.
In practice, and according to the course of events during the previous stages, the Syrian regime, its armed groups and the Iranian battalions were unable to cross the red lines established by the Syrian Democratic Forces in the areas east of the Euphrates and the Manbij and Tabqa regions, and the movements of these groups are centered with prior knowledge of the Russian presence, at least the nature of coordination and engagement Between the Russian presence and the regime, which in turn trains and arms the "national defense" and calls it the auxiliary forces, as the regime relies on it in all Syrian regions, and these groups in the cities of Qamishlo and Hasakah control some civilian neighborhoods, where they have turned them into military barracks to practice all kinds of terrorism and tashbih for the benefit of the regime .
During the past five years, many clashes took place between the internal security forces of the Autonomous Administration called "Asayish", and the National Defense groups, which is a faction formed of the Baathists, and elements that intellectually belong to extremist groups, including ISIS, the Al-Nusra Front and others, and there is a mixture and control of Iranian militias on a slice of these The elements, as the presence of Iranian militias hiding within these groups and providing them with training and support in addition to the funeral operations, and this relationship may be part of Iranian relations with Al-Qaeda and ISIS, and media and intelligence reports have often made clear the control of Iranian intelligence in the work and movements of these extremist groups. .

These armed groups called "National Defense" were formed along the lines of the Baathist brigades, and there is a direct influence of the confrontational ideology on the mentality of its members, as they deal with the Kurdish presence in the region from a racist standpoint. According to the data, the movements of these groups do not take place without Russian approval. What is noticed is that the timing of the outbreak of these confrontations comes after the mobilization led by the Syrian regime and the Iranian militias in Syria, coinciding with the directed Russian media, as the major Russian agencies talked about the Kurds attacking the Arab tribes in the city of Qamishli, and they spoke to Sputnik. While the facts on the ground are completely contradictory to these claims, because the presence of Arab tribes today within the Autonomous Administration has exceeded 50%, and the military, political and administrative facilities within the administration areas are administered by a Syrian mixture of Arabs and Kurds, as well as small minorities such as the Syrians and others. So why do Russian news agencies talk about confrontations between the Kurds and Arab tribes? The media repeats the Syrian regime in the process of devoting the racial dimension to the issue for open ends, as this discourse provides the appropriate ground mobilization to consolidate the rift between the Syrian components, so that this facilitates the process of controlling this segment, and thus repeating the scenarios of sorting Syrians on an Arab-Kurdish basis, similar to the Alawites. And the Sunnah, which is what the Syrian regime succeeded in under the auspices of Iran and the conduct of Russia in concluding agreements with the Turkish side to implement the project of the Shi’ism of the interior regions of Syria in exchange for the displacement of Sunni Arabs to the borders with Turkey and leaving the issue of their use of the Turkish regime, which in turn carried out the process of displacing the Kurds from the Autonomous Administration area through the use of The Sunni Arab opposition in Syria, and this included cities and villages that reached 60% of the Kurdish region. In other words, the Syrian regime is trying to provoke racist sentiments among the Arab segment that still owes it loyalty at the expense of the Sunni Arab majority, which has been dispersed and 50% of them have been displaced outside Syria, and the rest are being used by the Turkish occupation and in coordination with the Iranians and under Russian sponsorship in battles against the Kurds in Syria. And the Armenians in Azerbaijan and against the Arab people in Libya, and perhaps in new locations where the "Sochi axis" might be used by the Syrian Sunni Arabs.

Arab tribes in Syria are victims of the Syrian regime's policies, Iranian expansion, and Turkish expansion

Despite the implementation of the Syrian regime and Iranian militias, in coordination with the Turkish occupation and under Russian sponsorship, the plan to sever the Sunni Arab majority in Syria in favor of the Iranian Shiite expansion - the Turkish Brotherhood, there is still a segment of Sunni Arabs who fall into the trap of the nationalist mobilization of the Syrian regime, which has been using this The mechanism for embedding control over that chip.
The Syrian segments most affected by the regime's economic policies are the Sunni Arab majority, especially the indigenous Arab tribes in the eastern regions, as they were systematically and deliberately marginalized, and their areas of residence were transformed into foci of poverty and backwardness, which in turn led to extremism, and unleashed the hand of the Syrian intelligence services to destroy the structure Society from the gate of creating tribal contradictions and conflicts, and removing this segment from the path of civilization, development and progress compared to other Syrian regions, and despite the possession of the eastern regions of Syria of large fossil and agricultural wealth, they were experiencing the worst economic conditions alongside the Kurdish region, during the past decades, and even On the cultural and artistic level, the Syrian regime and its institutions presented this region in the form of a "backward - shaken ... full of dervish", and the term shawi, which was enshrined by the Baathist regime, is an example of diminishing the character of these original Arab tribes. However, this system, through the use of racist and Arabist sentiments, was able to infiltrate deep into a popular segment within the Sunni Arab community in the Jazira and Deir al-Zour, and to establish a fifth column in it to use whenever it wanted. Of course, injecting that segment with fake nationalist projects, hostility to other Syrian components, and perpetuating in their minds the culture of hating the Kurdish community and turning it into a bogeyman is a danger to the region !, and the Baathist regime is the only guarantor of their protection from the Kurds.
This mentality that manages this segment of Baathists in the Syrian Jazeera and Deir Ezzor is what stands behind these "national defense" elements who carry Iranian weapons to fight their Sunni Arab brethren before the Kurds in Qamishlo.
Despite the participation of the Arab tribes in the north and east of Syria in the Autonomous Administration, and they constitute half of the political, administrative, military and security activities, and more than half of the elements of the Internal Security Forces in Qamishlo are from the Arab component, and from the original Arab tribes, and they are the backbone of the Autonomous Administration, because they are fully aware that the alternative About this administration is the regime led by Iran, which in turn implements a project to weaken the Sunni Arab presence in Syria in favor of Shiite expansion, and the Turkish regime and permanent Russian sponsorship help in this.


The Autonomous Administration faces very difficult options, as the security square inside the cities of Qamishlo and Hasaka are the outlets for the remaining administration with Damascus, and removing them means removing any communication or dialogue between the two parties, and at the economic level there are major problems to ensure the provision of the region's needs, as it surrounds the administration’s areas with a suffocating siege by Turkey and its allies in the region, although some of them are diluted towards Iraq and the Kurdistan region, but this did not provide radical solutions. These factors confirm to us that the Russian presence in the region is important to maintain these security checkpoints, which are considered the connecting rope in preserving the hopes of relations between the Autonomous Administration and the Syrian regime.
In addition, any major confrontations with the Syrian Democratic Forces and the squares of the Syrian regime may cause a state of ethnic conflict that awaits the Syrian regime, the Iranian militias and the Turkish occupation, as the merging of the majority of the Arab tribes with the Autonomous Administration cut the way for those forces to create an Arab-Kurdish crisis, Consequently, if it continues, it will cause actual conflict in the region, and lead to the re-emergence of the many previous consequences and unrest, and thus will harm the continuity of the Autonomous Administration and the modularity of its work in terms of coexistence and the administrative, military and security structure in the region between the components, which is what all the forces that weave plots against the administration are looking for. Subjectivity.
If the Syrian Democratic Forces take a decision to remove the danger that these groups pose to the city of Qamishlo, the Syrian regime will not be able to intervene directly or use air force, because previous experience confirms a violent American response against any movement of the regime against the Syrian Democratic Forces, and Russia will not be It has a role in repelling the American attack on the regime’s moves and even the Iranian groups, because it is unable to enter into real military problems with the Americans on the island. Especially since the American return to consecrate its presence east of the Euphrates has become evident through the establishment of new military bases as well as the mobilization of these bases with heavy military equipment.
So it is possible, through anticipating events, to remove the threat of these groups from their points of control, without the outbreak of confrontations between the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and the Syrian regime forces, and to restore safety and civil peace to these areas after removing the danger of these groups.

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