Turkey's prestige and the Kurdish movement (strategic reading)

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Strategic reading: Ibrahim Kaban
Private / Geostrategic Network for Studies
The objective conditions that push the United States of America and Europe to protect the Autonomous Administration region from any Turkish invasion, are that the alternative required to protect Western interests with the geopolitical changes in the Middle East changes due to interests, which always prompts the search for an alternative and the search for another alternative for the upcoming precautions. Turkey is in the process of multiple political transformations, so the West is looking for other alternatives, while working to not lose Turkey. The objective conditions are inevitably heading towards taking Turkey towards internal conflicts, because the state structure of Turkey is liable to explode and fragment as a result of the heterogeneous plurality of components due to the racist policies pursued by the various Turkish regimes.
If this administration did not have the ability to survive, it would not have been able to attract the major powers to protect them from the Turkish invasion. Thus, it can be said: The size of the forces and capabilities are many, but they do not achieve the goals, and the process of attracting the major powers to your protection, and opening direct military relations with the major powers, which are strategic factors in building regions and states, and enabling the military structure..
Enabling a solid relationship base and constant risk
The orientation towards international actors must give us the ability to exchange interests with them according to the rule of “helping develop our work and management and maintain and enhance security aspects, offset by opening a large market for the companies of these forces to invest”, because the economic aura is the largest part of the strategies that move According to these powers, in order to secure new markets that would enable it to enhance its capabilities in the Middle East, or cut off roads for other countries. The scene of the American-Chinese conflict is an example of expansion to contain the largest number of powers and states, as the Chinese spearhead represented by Russia helps push the American-European axis to hold on to the production areas in the Middle East, because the natural alternative to Western retreat will pose a threat to its interests, and Russian moves The suspicious situation in the Middle East, along with the Chinese expansion in controlling global economies, is sounding the alarm bell that threatens the American and European markets. Kidd that the US-European awareness of these transformations naturally prompted them to establish the rules of survival in the Middle East from the Gulf and Kurdish gates, and the US-European military presence in Iraq and Syria is focused on the Kurdish areas first, and with any conflicts or confrontations with extremist forces, whether Sunni or Shiite, it uses The Americans have a strategy of making their bases in the Kurdistan region and the Rojava region as a center, because the constant Iranian threat, and the ambiguity in Turkish policies that distanced them from Western interests until they are in the middle between the Russians and the Americans, and whichever achieves their interests tends to them.
Kurdish understanding of these developments
Especially since the Autonomous Administration region / and the Kurdistan region / Iraq are of distinct importance at the level of the Middle East, in light of the exposure of the interests of the Americans and the West in general to continuous threats from extremist groups that are rising and becoming more dangerous due to the regional states sponsoring them. If we look at the extremist groups established by some countries and directing them to achieve special goals, on the other side, they produce more conflict and problems, and the new generations of extremism are more dangerous than the previous ones. They have left focused violence and a threat to the course of political and social development in the Middle East, and what is worse is that prominent regional powers are still managing these groups and pushing them to implement executive plans that highlight their bloodiness through the natural stages of development of extremism and terrorism movements.
Our understanding, as Kurds, of the geopolitical shifts and variables “local and regional” that are taking place around us, can give us a broader understanding of the course of international politics that drives all this aura in the Middle East, because our lack of interaction and communication with the international community in the part of these developments, will lose us the ability to find appropriate means for our survival. As a Kurdish political and military situation in Syria. And our direct dealings with the Americans, the French, and the entire Western option.
Perhaps this twenty-first century, with the struggle and revolutionary efforts of our people and the interaction of its liberation movement, and those transformations in international interests, has opened the opportunity to prove our existence as a force, and thus understand the logic of the barrel of a gun and its necessity and empowerment more, and preparing for the worst scenarios, it must be part of our future strategy, because the countries Or the regions that possess a kind of deterrent force, which maintain its operation and presence as an influential force in the region.
We as a whole, the society and its popular and civil activity, and the political and cultural forces, are required today to enable the experience of the Autonomous Administration in all respects, to strengthen it with the required capacity and strength, and to create more opportunities for international and diplomatic relations, because it is the guarantor of integration and interaction in the course of the development of what we seek, and the intersection of our interests With the major countries led by the international powers in our region.
Sorting and actual lineups
Whenever the Turkish regime commits political foolishness towards America and Europe, it pushes those countries to search for an alternative in the Middle East, at least building a strategic reserve for the next stages. Especially since the Turkish regime can no longer retreat from its relations with the Russian axis in the Middle East, and therefore the tactical process that Erdogan uses to equalize between the Americans and the Russians, will not succeed due to the objective conditions in which any power in the region must choose between international actors, and retreat from The relationship with the Russians may cause a lot of political, security and economic fatigue for Turkey, because the European position will not remain within the context of a permanent understanding of Turkish concerns in the region, especially after the United States returns to the European incubator, as a matter of returning American policies to the path towards empowering the Western alliance in the face of developments The Chinese economic, and Turkish expansionist ambitions in the Middle East at the expense of NATO, after the Turkish exodus to the Russian embrace in part.
Turkish-European scene
The European-Turkish disputes focus on the Turkish reluctance to follow Western laws related to human rights, or to play the role of a policeman to protect the interests of NATO, and not to pose any threat to Western interests in the Mediterranean, and to move away from the red lines posed by Western interests and in which the Turkish regimes have been based during the decades The past has the role of protecting the Russian crossing to the Arab countries.
Understanding the Turkish regime’s quest for new, more dynamic international relations to ease its commitment to European laws provides it with unrestricted disposal in internal files, and perhaps the internal political fluctuations and the transition from a quasi-democratic system seeks to keep pace with European countries, and then head towards a despicable dictatorship that takes From authoritarian laws as a mechanism to reproduce a nationalist regime with the exhaustion of political Islam, its nature causes geopolitical fluctuations to emerge from its natural and somewhat balanced governance in building relations with the West.
So that Turkey is witnessing fluctuations and geopolitical changes that take it out of its balanced governance in the relationship with the West and play a role entrusted to it.

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