Weekly report on the crimes of the Turkish occupation and Syrian extremist groups in Afrin

آدمن الموقع
The crimes committed in the city of Afrin by the Turkish occupation and its mercenaries continue on a daily basis without any deterrent. The increase in kidnappings was the most prominent during the past week with the aim of collecting ransom money.
It was documented during the second week of the beginning of 2022, i.e. from 8-1-2022 until 14-1-2022
Kidnapping: the kidnapping of more than 22 citizens
Destruction and looting of archaeological sites: \ 2 \ two archaeological sites
- Tree cutting: in more than \ 7 \ locations and cut down more than \ 925 \ forest and fruit trees
- Demographic change: \ 1 \ the policy of building a concrete wall
- Royalty imposed: \ 3 \
Seizures of citizens' property: \ 4 \ cases
#the details :
#First _ kidnapping:
1- In early January 2021, the Turkish occupation and its mercenaries arrested the Kurdish citizen, "Joan Zuhair Haj Rashid, 34 years old", on charges of going out on guard shifts during the previous period.
According to the sources, the young man “Joan”, who resides in the city of Afrin, went to the security headquarters of the “Al-Sham Legion” faction in the town of Maidan Akbis - Rajo district, with the aim of settling his situation and returning to his village Alamdara and recovering his house and his seized property, but the faction stopped him upon his arrival, and handed him over Later on, he was transferred to the "Military Police" in Rajo district center, which in turn transferred him to Marati / Marata Central Prison in the city of Afrin, where he has been staying until now.
_ On 5-1-2022, the Turkish occupation and its mercenaries arrested two citizens:
2- Abd al-Rahman Kuliko, 70, years old
3- Daoud Zinni, 50 years old.
From the residents of Maamla village - Rajo district, on the pretext that they participated in the night watch during the previous administration, and they were released the next day after imposing a fine of 1,200 Turkish lira on each one of them.
4_ On 2-1-2022, the Jaysh al-Islam faction of the Turkish occupation kidnapped the citizen (Hussein Muhammad, 24 years old) from his home in the Ashrafieh neighborhood in the city of Afrin, on charges of collaborating with the Syrian Democratic Forces, and there is no information about the party to which he was taken until today. .
5- On Saturday 8-1-2022, the Ahrar al-Sharqiya faction kidnapped the Kurdish citizen (Ismat Ahmed Abdo, 25 years old), from the village of Baedino / Baadinli in Ma’batli district, where they took him to the security headquarters in Rajo district, where they demanded from his family a ransom of “one million” Syrian pounds for his release.
6- On 12/31/2021, the Turkish occupation police in the Shara / Sharan district center in the countryside of Afrin region arrested the Kurdish citizen “Aref Muhammad bin Sheikh Muhammad”, 70 years old, from his home in the village of Kafr Jannah, and took him to the prisons of the occupation in the city of Azaz Occupied, on charges of evading alleged payment of financial dues to a gunman from the “Syrian Front” militia affiliated with Ankara, and the sources indicated that the elderly “Arif”, from the village of Alamdara, was living alone in the house of his absent brother in the village of Kafr Jannah, after the occupation of Afrin on 18 In March 2018, he settled a family from the city of Tel Rifaat in the large house (villa), to help him take care of the crops. However, after a period of time disputes arose between the Kurdish old man and the settlers, which prompted him to drive them out of the house, so the settlers took revenge on him by burning his warehouse, which caused the burning of ten thousand dollars worth of goods that were stacked in the warehouse, where Uncle Arif went to court The occupation in the city of Azaz, so he met at the entrance with a person who claimed to be a “lawyer”, and he promised him that he would take care of opening the case before the court and defending him.
It later became clear that the alleged person was a member of the Levant Front militia, who somehow forced him to sign four trust bonds (the value of each one being $13,000), as being his partner in the vineyards he owns, and then he was arrested on charges of evading payments. mentioned in those bonds. The Levant Front strongly supports the fraudster and threatens the judiciary against releasing him.
- On "1-6-2022", the "military police" mercenaries of the Turkish occupation kidnapped 4 "Kurdish citizens" from the village of Jalma, affiliated to Janders/Jenderes district in the occupied city of Afrin. The kidnapped citizens are:
7- Jihad Barakat, 35 years old.
8- Khabat Muhammad Habash, nicknamed "Habbush", 30 years old.
9- "Ali Mustafa Habash" nicknamed "Habbush"
10- "Mohamed Sobhi Hamo".
Where the parents of three of them managed to pay the ransom amount and release them, while the fate of the young Mohammed Sobhi Hamo is still unknown.
The source added that the families of the kidnapped "Jihad Barakat - Khabat Habboush" had paid a ransom of "6" thousand Turkish liras to release the kidnapped.
_ On 11/1-2022 on Tuesday, the so-called “military police” of the Turkish occupation arrested two Kurdish citizens from the village of Maamala - in Rajo district, on charges of going on night watch shifts in their village during the previous Autonomous Administration period in Afrin region. The citizens are:
11- Abdeen Prem, 40 years old
12- Muhammad Omar, 45 years old
13_ On Saturday 01/08/2022, the members of the “Samarkand Brigade” faction of the Turkish occupation, who controlled the village of Kafr Safra - Jindires district, raided the house of Khaled Adnan, nicknamed "Ado" because of an artificial quarrel between his minor son Muhammad and another child of the settlers, and after The second eldest boy, of the citizen Khaled, intervened and broke up the quarrel between the two children. The family of the settler child informed the members of the faction who responded to their distress and raided and kicked the child Muhammad in front of his family’s eyes, which necessitated his transfer to a medical hospital as a result A hernia in the testicle and bruises throughout his body.
14_ In another context, the so-called Muhammad Al-Jassem, nicknamed Abu Amsha, the leader of the so-called faction of Sultan Suleiman Shah Al-Amshat, imposed a financial sum of $2,000 on the young Hassan Rifaat Arab, without mentioning the reasons and threatening him with beatings and kidnappings in case of non-compliance with the decision.
_ On Tuesday 04/01/2022, the militia members of Major General Muhammad Al-Fateh, who controlled the village of Maamala Oshaghi _ Rajo district, kidnapped two citizens of the village on charges of standing guard during the previous administration’s authority, and they are:
15- Abd al-Rahman Kuliko, 70 years old.
16- Daoud Zainy, 50 years old.
They were released the next day after collecting a ransom of 1,200 Turkish liras for each person.
17_ On Sunday 02/01/2022, members of the Jaish al-Islam militia, affiliated with the Syrian “national” army, kidnapped the young Hussein Muhammad, 24, from his home in the Ashrafieh neighborhood of Afrin, on charges of dealing with the previous administration and taking him to an unknown destination without even knowing his fate. right Now . Noting that the young Hussein was previously interrogated more than ten times in front of militias and armed gangs with their various names affiliated with the Syrian “national” army.
18_ On 9 25 2021, the so-called Syrian National Army factions of the Turkish occupation raided the house of the 38-year-old citizen Sabri Rasho bin Manan from the people of Darwish village - Rajo district in the occupied countryside of Afrin, located in the city of Afrin - the old neighborhood of Afrin, and during the raid on his house they confiscated the device The cell phone to his wife, as the husband was in his shop located on the main road - Raju, the “glass” shop next to Abu Imad bakery, and then they went to his shop and kidnapped him from his shop and took him to an unknown destination, knowing that the area is under the control of the Sultan Murad faction of the Turkish occupation and his fate is still unknown Until now.
Whereas, citizen Sabri Rasho was kidnapped twice in 2018 by the faction's gunmen and released after paying the ransom amounting to about 6,500 US dollars in exchange for his release.
19_ The "Al-Sham Legion" mercenaries of the Turkish occupation kidnapped the Kurdish citizen Joan Hajj Rashid, 40 years old, from the people of Alamdar village of Rajo district in the occupied city of Afrin. Noting that the citizen Joanne had returned to his village in early December 2021, he rushed to the security headquarters of the "Al-Sham Legion" mercenaries located in the town of Maidan Akbis to regularize his status there with the aim of obtaining an ID card from the so-called local council in “Raju” district.
However, the "Al-Sham Legion" mercenaries kidnapped him on false accusations and arguments with the aim of collecting a ransom from his family, as they handed him over to the "military police" mercenaries in the district and then transferred him to Maratha prison in the center of the occupied city of Afrin.
_ On Wednesday 12/1-2022, the Turkish intelligence kidnapped the mukhtar of the village of Qajuma, which belongs to Janders/Jenderes district in the occupied city of Afrin, and the mukhtar is called:
20- Farhad Muhammad, 50 years old
Where the Turkish intelligence took the kidnapped Mukhtar to the center of the occupied city of "Afrin" without knowing the details of his kidnapping, as his fate is still unknown. The kidnapped Mukhtar is distinguished by a strong relationship with mercenaries and Turkish intelligence.
_ On 1/1-2022, the Turkish intelligence raided the village of "Qirbeh" of Janders/Jenderes district in the occupied city of Afrin and kidnapped the village's mukhtar and his son without knowing the charges against them, as they were transferred to the center of the occupied city of "Afrin" without knowing their fate so far. . The kidnappers are:
21- Al-Mukhtar Hanan Muhammad Musa, 57 years old
22- Bashar Hanan Moussa, 25 years old
1- The archaeological hill of Sheikh Abd al-Rahman in the district of Jindires / Jindires: The hill is located southwest of the city of Afrin at a distance of 17 km and is administratively affiliated to the district of Jindires. Afrin, Syria.
After the Turkish occupation, the hill was exposed to sabotage excavations with heavy machinery, according to the satellite image of the date 7/14/2019, which shows the destruction of all layers of the archaeological hill, with an area estimated at about (5000) m2. (27000) m2, where the noticeable increase in the depth of the excavations appears, with evidence of the disappearance of perennial olive trees and the extension of the excavations to the part confined between the agricultural road and the high hill. Which were extracted from the hill and how to dispose of them by the Turkish occupation authorities.
2- Archaeological Dodari (Maidanki) hill in Shara/Sharan district: The hill is located to the west of the town of Maidanki, 2 km away from the center of Afrin city, about (25) km from its northern edge. The two-door hill), and no archaeological investigations were conducted on the hill before the Turkish occupation of the Syrian region of Afrin, and it is one of the hills not registered with the General Directorate of Antiquities in Syria.
After the Turkish occupation, the hill was exposed to illegal sabotage excavations, according to a photograph of the archaeological hill after the Turkish occupation authorities and the factions loyal to it conducted sabotage excavations and a satellite image dating back to September 28, 2019, which refer to these excavations carried out with heavy machinery that was based on the complete destruction of the hill and uprooting The perennial olive trees that covered its surface, and the extension of the excavations to the circumference of the hill in the low city. The nature of the materials and parts that were extracted from the hill and how to dispose of them by the Turkish occupation authorities.
#Third_cutting trees:
1_ On Tuesday 11-1-2022, the mercenaries of "Nureddin Al-Zenki" of the Turkish occupation partially cut down about "50" olive trees for a citizen of "Ramadieh" in Janders/Jenderes district in the occupied city of Afrin. The citizen whose trees were cut down is called:
Mustafa Ferdouni Abu Bassam
The reason for the mercenaries’ cutting down of these trees is due to the refusal of the owner of the field to pay the royalties called the wood tax imposed by the mercenaries on the people. Its trees are like this in the accompanying pictures.
2_ In a related context, today, Tuesday, gunmen affiliated with the Turkish occupation mercenaries cut down about 85 olive trees on the road to the village of Qara Jarna in Shara district, belonging to the citizen “Ibrahim Khalil” from the people of the town of Sharran. 25 trees were completely cut down from the trunks, while they cut down about Partially 60 trees.
3_ On 1-6 2022, settlers from the camp located in the old Nowruz Square in the village of Afraza - Ma’batli district, cut down 20 olive trees from a field owned by the citizen “Rasheed Hassan” from the village.
4_ On 1-4-2022, armed men cut down about 70 olive trees from their trunks in the village of Draklia - Bulbul district, owned by “Hussein Ahmed Ismail” from the village.
5_ On 1/1-2022, the militants of the “Malakshah faction” cut down about 70 trees from the land of the citizen “Salah Rashid” from the people of Sharan town, and the land is located between the villages of Kafr Jannah and Shara.
6_ Also, gunmen from the “Al-Sham Legion” faction cut down about 700 perennial olive trees on the road to the villages of Kafr Nabo and Burj Haidar - Shirawa district.
7_ The "Al-Shafaq" organization affiliated with the Turkish occupation distributed firewood in the "Jenderes" district to the settlers who were resettled by the Turkish occupation, which is being cut down by hundreds daily by the mercenary factions of the Turkish occupation in the occupied city of Afrin.
#Fourth_demographic change:
- On 1/1-2022, the mercenaries of the Turkish occupation brought huge cement blocks from Turkey to build a concrete wall, where they will extend the new wall in its early stages along a length of 2 km extending from the National Hospital in the city of Azaz, where the base of the Turkish occupation is based, all the way to the Shatt Checkpoint On the international road Aleppo-Afrin, 4 meters high. In April 2019, the mercenaries of the Turkish occupation built a concrete barrier wall,

Afrin Activists Network, [1/15/2022 15:48]

About some villages (Kimar - Brad - Marymin - and Jalabra) belonging to the Afrin region, located on the line of confrontations between the Turkish army and its affiliated factions on the one hand, and between the Syrian regime army's control areas in the northern countryside of Aleppo, 3 meters high, with the aim of separating occupied Afrin from its surroundings. The Turkish occupation forces, upon the arrival of the cement blocks, started building the wall on the Azaz-Afrin road through huge cranes. Work is underway at night for fear of being targeted by the Syrian regime forces, which is only 500 meters away from the Azaz-Afrin road, stationed in the villages of Mara’anaz, Shawarga, Qal’at Shawargha and Al-Malikiyah in Aleppo countryside North. It is worth noting that the aforementioned area witnessed the targeting of Turkish forces’ concentration points near the National Hospital on the outskirts of Azaz of the Turkish occupation, which leads to blocking the road for hours as a result of its proximity to the areas of engagement. The road is also considered the “main artery” in the northern countryside of Aleppo and a crossing point for civilians and trucks Between Jarablus and Al-Bab to my city.” Afrin-Azaz, passing through to Idlib city.
# Fifth _ imposing royalty:
1_ The “Military Police” militia imposed a royalty of 200 Turkish liras on large cars loaded with stolen firewood and 100 Turkish liras on small cars loaded with the same substance at their checkpoints in Raju district.
2_ The "Northern Brigade" mercenaries imposed a financial royalty on sheep shepherds in the village of Afraza / Abras_ in Mabata / Maabatli district
It was estimated by "one US dollar" for each head of cattle for the Kurdish shepherds and settlers who are camping on the outskirts of Hawar Mountain near Nowruz Square in the area between the villages of Afraza - Khirbeyeh Rota, belonging to the Mabata / Maabatli district in the occupied city of Afrin. They threatened the shepherds with dire consequences and prevented them from Grazing their livestock in that area if they refused to pay the royalty imposed on them.
3_ The so-called Muhammad Al-Jassem, nicknamed Abu Amsha, the leader of the so-called militia of Sultan Suleiman Shah Al-Amshat, imposed a sum of $2,000 on the young man, Hassan Rifaat Arab, without mentioning the reasons and threatening him with beatings and kidnappings in the event of non-compliance with the decision.
# Sixth _ seizures:
1- The most senior mercenary in charge of the Hamzat mercenaries, Tariq Jourieh, nicknamed Abu Ammar (from Baba Omar neighborhood - Homs Al-Adiya city, the cradle of the elite of the free revolutionaries), and through one of his security elements called Abu Hamza, who is within the security sector of the village of Shurba - Maabatli district, by seizing the Dozens of hectares of agricultural land in the middle of olive fields owned by the Kurdish indigenous people in the town of Maidanki - Sharan district, and cultivation of dry grains "wheat - barley - chickpeas" without the consent of the people, and despite the citizens' complaints before the Committee for the Restitution of Rights and Grievances, they did By threatening the farmers to withdraw their complaint or accusing them of dealing with the previous administration and kidnapping them, in addition to offering partnership offers with them with the return of the season to prevent loss under the “halal and forbidden” debt sign. This and we have obtained some names of the owners of the olive fields who are in the town, and others who have agencies from their owners, and they are:
1 _ Seydou Seydou Bin Rashid Hajj Qadri 100 olive trees.
2 _ Hussein Sheikh Othman bin Muhammad 20 olive trees.
3 _ Farouk Khalil 120 olive trees.
4_ Muhammad Amir 220 olive trees.
5 _ Muhammad Ali, the height of 278 olive trees.
6 _ Muhammad Ali Hashino 220 olive trees.
7 _ Othman Hashino 125 olive trees.
If the seized area is estimated to be more than ten hectares of agricultural land among the fields, and they have also seized more than 40 hectares among the fields of the forcibly displaced people.
2- Armed elements of the “Al-Mu’tasim” militia sold seven unequipped apartments to the citizen Muhammad Horo, located in the Ashrafieh neighborhood in the center of the occupied city of Afrin, and they partially equipped them through the SRD organization, and the organization (SRD is a Syria Relief and Development organization that was established at the end of 2012 Its regional office is in Turkey, and it operates in Idlib and its countryside and in the areas controlled by the Turkish occupation in the northern and western countryside of Aleppo).
Then she sold each apartment at a price of $800, to settlers from the city of Idlib and the western countryside of Aleppo.
3- The mercenaries of "Sultan Murad" seized a private car of a citizen of the village of Simalka in the Mabata / Maabatli district in the occupied city of Afrin. The citizen is called:
"Mohammed Seydou Kno" Ben Seido "Abu Reber" and his mother "Nazira".
Despite the strong relationship between the citizen "Abu Reiber" and the security official controlling the village of the mercenaries of "Sultan Murad" called the mercenary "Abu Yamen" and despite submitting a complaint to the Turkish security authorities, he was unable to retrieve his car, all of his attempts were unsuccessful.
4- The Turkish occupation authorities, in conjunction with Gulf associations and organizations, built housing units and buildings on the lands they had previously seized, which are located on the "Jenderes-Kafr Safra" road, and most of them belong to the displaced people of Jindires district who refused to leave their villages in the occupied city of Afrin, who were They were forcibly displaced during the Turkish aggression on the city in early January of 2018. The Turkish authorities, through its mercenaries, also force the citizens to sign documents authorizing them to dispose of those lands under threat of arms.
Source in Arabic: Afrin Activists Network
Translation: Geo-strategic Studies Team

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