An increase in the American presence and balances within the Middle East on the Israel-Hamas path

آدمن الموقع
Special/Editorial Board of Geostrategic Studies
The United States of America and the international coalition are ultimately forced to support its military positions in the Kurdish Autonomous Administration region in Syria, as well as in the Kurdistan region of Iraq, with modern equipment, experts, and observers. It is expected that the number of soldiers will increase during the next phase, in addition to modern surveillance devices and effective anti-drugs.
The reason is due to the increase in tensions throughout the Middle East, especially what Israel is witnessing and the confrontations with Hamas in the Gaza Strip.
Without these actual steps, American interests may be exposed to real danger in the coming months according to geopolitical data and the ongoing state of tension, and may result in terrorist reactions and operations against American bases if they are strengthened and fortified with strong relations with local Syrian-Iraqi Kurdish forces. In light of the clear Israeli decision to eliminate the firepower of the Hamas movement.

The possibility that they made the decision to eliminate the firepower of the Hamas movement

The scene demonstrates the possibility of a convergence of views between the Israelis and the main Arab countries on the issue of distancing the Hamas movement from the internal Palestinian scene, especially the firepower that the movement possesses and threatens the Israeli depth, in light of its military relations with Israel’s opponents and Western powers in the Middle East. However, the Iranian abandonment of The movement, as well as the failure to create the required trust with the Arab countries and the major mistakes committed by Hamas in implementing the Iranian and Turkish projects, directly contributed to the major decline of the Arab street in its support, and the popular uprisings that the Arab countries witnessed were motivated by influence on the Palestinian cause and the Arab connection and not out of faith or support for the movement. Hamas, which many Arab countries and segments consider to be extremist.
The Israelis and their supporters from the Arab governments may take the final decision to remove Hamas and its counterparts from the Palestinian scene, and hand over the Gaza Strip to the Palestinian Authority, which is administered in the West Bank. It is possible that the region will witness the intervention of the Egyptian and Jordanian army to help reassure the Palestinian people and begin to establish civil peace through the gate of building institutions. And a new local government, especially after the Israeli expansion into the Gaza Strip, and the military mood is clearly moving towards ending Hamas’s major role.

The director is planning an upcoming scenario, but!!

As for the movement, its political leaders are investing in it through deep relations with Iran and Turkey. Qatar also sponsors relations between Israel and Hamas as a mediator, as was demonstrated during the past days, and the great Qatari influence on Hamas, as well as the deep relations with Israel, despite Qatar’s speeches and media concealing this relationship with... Israeli leadership However, the facts in the case of the truce that took place show Qatari mediation and its relations with Israel.
The sponsorship itself is managed by Ankara, which has shares within the Hamas leadership, and perhaps the movement has movements affiliated with the state (Turkey - Qatar - Iran), and the Hamas operation revealed that it is a real arm of Iranian hegemony, in exchange for providing indirect services to the Israeli right-wing movements.
The expected possibilities are to build a rapprochement between the Israeli right and the Palestinian right, under Qatari sponsorship and with a Turkish presence.
Or perhaps to tone down the rhetoric launched by Hamas, and show weakness to convince the Israeli street, which is pressuring and demanding that the government and the Israeli army achieve a real achievement on the ground after all these tensions and confrontations.
Therefore, the expected fluctuations, divergences, and convergences may appear more in the coming weeks, but the Netanyahu government will not emerge from this war without achieving an actual gain, because accountability will be determined by the Israeli opposition as well as international institutions, as opposed to the repetitive cylinder of Hamas and its counterparts and the resistance front in the Middle East. With Iranian leadership and Turkish investment in political Islam, everyone will focus on imaginary victories to deceive the Arab and Islamic street.

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