The Kurdish civil society and human rights platform holds a public symposium in the Swiss city of Zurich (+ photos and videos)

آدمن الموقع
Special/geostrategic studies
In the presence of dozens of Kurdish people and representatives of some party parties, intellectuals and independents present in the Swiss city of Zurich, the Kurdish civil society and human rights platform held a public symposium on human rights and civil society and the latest Kurdish developments in international corridors and on the European scene, especially related to the large Kurdish presence in Europe and the need to unify efforts. Overcoming differences in order to organize society.
The symposium began with a minute of silence to the tune of the Kurdish anthem, Hey Raqeeb. Where I open a. Abdel Baqi Asaad Al-Nadwa talked about what the platform did in its meetings with the International Investigation Commission and the High Commissioner for Human Rights at the United Nations headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. He reviewed its fruitful results, through which the platform presented a large group of files related to the violations that occurred in the city of Afrin and the Kurdish areas occupied by the Turkish army and Syrian mercenary groups. In addition to the ongoing Turkish attacks on Kurdish civilians in Syria.
While the lecturer of the symposium, A. Ibrahim Kaban spoke at length about the necessity of breaking the barrier of differences between political parties in order to build a Kurdish society that is politically and culturally healthy so that it can unite the Kurdish street and direct it towards the ability to build an influential community lobby in the European arena.
He added, while explaining the methods of building society: The role that civil society must play in the European arena is to build a Kurdish family that interacts with the highest national issues, in addition to restoring confidence and empowering the national spirit that helps in establishing a national umbrella. An example of this is building a lobby. Kurdish society and rights, away from ideologies. Emphasizing that civil society and human rights are not a substitute for the partisan political movement, but rather are its substitute and corrector. The party’s mission is to move within political frameworks, while the work of civil society and human rights is more influential and broad, and includes everyone without exception. The Kurdish community needs to break the wall of ideological affiliation in favor of building a society free of differences.
While the guests’ interventions had an important addition to enriching the dialogue with open discussion and complete freedom to address many aspects related to the mission of political parties and civil society, in addition to the objective circumstances that brought the Kurdish street to this point of distance and aversion to the political movement and the necessity of finding an umbrella and framework that helps develop this society. Towards building a Kurdish family within Europe. The questions and answers among the audience and lecturers focused on ways and means of achieving this, as some of the questions focused on the tools that civil and human rights society can take to achieve this, albeit within small segments of society and enabling them to expand the field work that attracts the people of Rojavay Kurdistan abroad.

In conclusion, the platform’s preparatory committee thanked all attendees, especially the Kurdish community, which attended and interacted greatly.
Media office of the Kurdish civil society and human rights platform
- Geostrategic Organization of Kurdish Civil Society
- Human Rights Organization in Syria - MAF

Seminar video

Full video of the seminar

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